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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Teacher's Day

16 May 2010

Today is teacher's day!
It's a special day to thank and remember our teachers with our love and actions.
I have no actions on it, sorry about that...

Therefore, I can only give greetings to all the teachers here.
Teachers all around the world, Happy Teacher's Day!!!
Hope you have a nice day.

Also, Thank You, teachers,
You gave us knowledge to success in our learning and life.
We will never forget your teaching.
On this special day for you,
Wishing you everything brings you happiness today and always.

And for all the students, remember to thank your teacher!


Incoming B.O.D

16 May 2010

On 11th April, our Leo Club's incoming board of directors were elected by our club members in a club meeting from 8.00 a.m. to 12p.m. in SMK Hwa Lian.
This meeting had carried out successfully.
Nearly all the members attended this meeting.

On 16th April, our directors done their groupings for their own posts in a B.O.D meeting.
Incoming B.O.D elected as below:

President: Leo Tan Kian Hong
Vice President:
Leo Gan Jia Qi

Secretary: Leo Lew Xue Tong
Vice Secretary: Leo Yeo Kar Chun

Treasurer: Leo Lee Yi Ren
Vice Treasurer: Leo Quek Jing Ling

Leo Wendy Hup
Leo Koh Hui Ying

Fund Raising Directors:
Leo Alex Tan
Leo Mok Ai Wen

Membership Directors:
Leo Le Jia Ling
Leo Lau Zhi Xuan

Multimedia Directors:
Leo Le Jia Nian
Leo Lim Yi Liang

IR Directors:
Leo Lew Shang Tong
Leo Yap Zhi Kuan
Fellowship Directors:
Leo Fiona Tan
Leo Chew Zee Wei

Leo Gan Siew Pei
Leo Tan Li Ying

Hi There!

Hello there!
This blog is now opened for the public to see what's going on in Leo Club of SMK Hwa Lian Mentakab, Pahang!

All of you are welcomed to visit this blog anytime from now on!
All of the new events this year by Leo Club of SMK Hwa Lian Mentakab start from May will be posting on here.
Please always stay by to see the latest event. Thank You.

Also, Leo Clubs from other schools may link with this blog.
I would love to view other blogs by Leo Clubs of other schools always.



Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Our Mascot

Our Mascot