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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Visited a Special Place by Leo♥

27.8.2011 Saturday

That day was an enjoyable for leo b.o.d and some of the leo members. 9am, we needed to gather at bus stop(near TF). After that, we walked to the “disability house"--- Special People Special Care Centre. There is a small house that has about 15++ disability people.

After we reached there, we looked around the place...a small place for them to live. After Fiona gave a brief, we started to do our work!

Some of the members taught the special people to do handicraft patiently. Some of them cleaned the house and courtyard. They do it very well.

After did the work, we had some games to relax. We played a lot of games. Special people were so happy and keep laughing. We also sang some song-(rasa sayang, twinkle little star, ABC, London bridge.....).

12pm, we had our breakfast/lunch with special people. We ate chicken rice. 50 packets of chicken rice and mineral water were sponsor by "Bao Bei chicken rice shop".

We also took some photos before left the place.

Them :)

Tadaa...they done the handicrafts!!

He desired to go back home......

He scared camera shot ><

Funny and cute amoi ^^

This malay liked the present paper so muchh~~ XDD

Alex & Amoi

Play games :D

We did a good deed. We must love them!

Here's to the people who are different.
It's their different to make them unique


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hari Jualan 24 July 2011

This is a buzy and happy day. We arrived school at 6 o'clock early in the morning. Our stall only set at a small corner of chinese canteen.

We sell sweet corn, jasmine tea and fried mantou.

At first, we not so buzy because has not many customers come and everything is fine. We also took some jasmine tea and fried mantou out to sell. After that, the electric in the canteen stop. Than we had no more electric to cook our sweet corn. For continued selling our sweet corn, they took the sweet corn to the classroom to cook and sell at there.We also sell fried mantou with curry or icing sugar. Many customers like to eat our fried mantou with curry. Everything is fine after that.
Finally, many people come to buy jasmine tea because many stall already close. We are so buzy that time.

We sold 300++ coupons this year. Although no more than last year, but we also felt happy because we learn many things that day. Thanks for all B.O.D and teachers who help that day.


Leo Club signboard

making jasmine tea

frying mantou

cooking sweet corn

Jasmine Tea

Monday, July 18, 2011

'Hari Jualan' of SMK Hwa Lian

'Hari Jualan' of SMK Hwa Lian will be held on 24 July 2011 (Sunday). We will sell food on that day. The money we earn will give to our school. Our stall will set at chinese canteen.We will sell Jasmine Tea, Sweet Corn and Fried Mantou that day. Please come and support us, Thanks.

Leo's Recipe

Jasmine Tea : 1 coupon each

Sweet Corn : 1 coupon per cup

Fried Mantou : 1 coupon 3 pieces

Please support us!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Installation Day 11th June 2011

Date: 14th June 2011
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: Mentakab UMNO Hall

Leo Installation Day 2011 is over! Thanks for our Lions, Leo Advisors, Teacher Advisors, Teachers, invited Leo members, and our guest that make time to attend our installation day. We also thanks for leo B.O.D members and entertainers that make this installation day held successfully at Mentakab UMNO hall.

These was some photo of Leo Installation


leo members


induction of new members

Installation of Board of Directors

Certificate for Outgoing Director



Thursday, June 9, 2011

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Our Mascot

Our Mascot