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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Leo Installation (coming soon)


Date : 9 September 2012

Time : 10.00a.m.

Venue : Dewan Kuliah, SMJK Hwa Lian 

Our Leo Installation Day will be held on 9 September, this Sunday. The entry fee will be RM3.00 per person. There will had some performance on stage that day. We will sell our leo T-shirts and badge on that day too. If you want to buy our shirt or badge, don't forget to bring your money, the corner will be set up and waiting for you. Leos from other schools and Lions are sincerely invited to attend our Installation Day too. I hope our members will take some times from their busy schedule to attend. I hope they had learn the I Pledge song too. Please attend and enjoy yourself here!

We serve, we care. Roar! Roar! Roar!

A.E.I.O.U Day 2012

Dances, music, songs and a bundle of fantastic performances were ended up with the funny appearance of Mickey and Minnie Mouse from Disneyland!

A.E.I.O.U Day 2012
Date : 28 July 2012
Time : 7.00 p.m.-10.00 p.m.
Venue : Xiang Gui Hall, SMJK Hwa Lian

Our A.E.I.O.U Day in this year were successfully ended on 28th July with fully cooperation of the directors, our beloved Lions and all of the attendants. The whole new Fashion Show by our B.O.D was the climax of the night. Our B.O.D were well dresses and enjoyed the first catwalk in their life this night. And the audience seems to be satisfied with Fashion Show.

Fashion Show!
The Chinese 24-seasons Drum started this mysterious night. After this, we had the special diabolo performance which was glowing in the dark. Then, we had singing, dance and a performance of piano and violin.

Our mystery and special guests in this night were the famous cartoon, Mickey and Minnie. They appear with shiny yellow suits and ended the night with laughter.


Thank you for support and attendance. We sincerely appreciate the cooperation from all the guests. We will keep on our effort to improve this activity in the future. Thanks! We serve!

Tickets ( RM8.00 )
LEO ~ <3

Monday, September 3, 2012

Leo Camp 2012

 Leo Camp 2012
The King of The Lions
Date : 26 May 2012 - 28 May 2012 (three day two night)
Venue : SMJK Hwa Lian Mentakab, Pahang

This is the first camp that conducted by leo club of SMJK Hwa Lian. Although it is not the best, but we had tried our best to make it successfully ended. The participants in this camp include the leos from Triang, leos from Jerantut, our school's students and also students from other schools. This must be an enjoyable camp for the participants.

The committees of the camp came one day before the camp to prepare for the  camp. They clean the class room and the toilet for the campers, prepare the name tag, booklet and t-shirt for the campers and they also prepare the games, activities and the opening ceremony for the camp. Thanks all of the committee that work hard for this camp ~ : ]

First Day ( 26-5-2012 )
The campers register in front of Dewan Kuliah and gather after wearing their camp shirt. When all campers arrived, the opening ceremony started. We had invited the president of lions club and also our leo advisor came for the opening ceremony. When the opening ceremony ended, all of the campers were divided into eight group, that is :~

 After they sit in group, the ice breaking game was started. At the same time, they were also thinking for their group's slogan together with their group members. After all groups had played the ice breaking game, they started to decorate their flag by crayon. They must explain the meaning of their flag and present their slogan.

At the first they of the camp, leo club had prepare several interesting games for the campers, that is :~

Telematch 1

Mission impossible

Detective games

 Second Day ( 27-5-2012 )
At the next day, the campers wake up at 6 o'clock. They do their funny morning exercises at about 7 o'clock with the committee. These are the photos of the exercises :~

At about 9.30 a.m. , they started to play telematch 2. Here are the photos of telematch 2 :~

After their lunch, they had a treasure hunt activity in Mentakab. They have to solved several questions and need to complete various types of missions. The treasure were waiting for them!
Some photos of treasure hunt :~
gather before left
their missions
rest for a while
solving math question
We <3 Leo ~ : )
1 Malaysia !
the baby's so cute ~
in TF
 After the treasure hunt, the campers sure getting tired right? Took a rest and bath then enjoy your delicious dinner at 8 o'clock.After dinner, they gather in Dewan Kuliah for the prize giving. Leo club's vice president, Mok Ai Wen be responsible to give the prizes for the telematch winner. After the prize giving, all committee sing a song for our teacher advisor, Goo Peck Eng on the stage. We also invited the president of lions club to give the hampers to our teacher as a reward for her hard work.

singing song for our teacher

At night, they had their last activity of the second day, that is camp fire. They sing and dance happily that night. The campers seems like very enjoy the camp fire that night.
Camp fire's photos :~

camp fire
playing games around the fire
 Third Day ( 28-5-2012 )
 At the last day of the camp, we had cancelled the morning exercises so that the campers had more time to rest. At about 9 o'clock, we had choose out the best campers and leader. We had invited our lions to give the prizes to them.

At about 9.30a.m. there was a drama presentation of the campers. All groups of the campers had use their creativity to perform a funny and creative drama. They tried their best to act a perfect drama by their team work. All of them were the best.

After all groups had presented their funny and creative drama, the campers went back to their rooms to pack their things. The last activity of this camp was the photo sharing session. The campers gather again in Dewan Kuliah for the photo sharing session after they pack.

The closing ceremony was at about 2 o'clock after lunch. In the closing ceremony, we thanks for our teacher, lions, committee and all of the campers. We also sang our camp song together and shake hands with our lion and teacher to say goodbye with them. After that, they took photo with their group members or their new friends as a memory. They also open their hampers and shared the snack inside with their group members.
At 2.30p.m. , all of the campers went back one after the other. Goodbye, everyone :-)

Although this camp was not perfect, but we will tried our best to make it perfect next time. I think next year we will conduct this camp again. I hope the student in the camp this year will come again next year. See you next year. Bye ~ ^^

photo sharing session
singing camp song

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Our Mascot

Our Mascot