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Thursday, May 1, 2014

A.E.I.O.U DAY 2013

A.E.I.O.U Day 2013
Date : 20 April 2013
Time : 7.00 p.m.-10.00 p.m.
Venue : Xiang Gui Hall, SMJK Hwa Lian

Our A.E.I.O.U Day in this year were successfully ended on 20thApril with fully cooperation of the directors, our beloved Lions and all of the attendants. And our theme of this A.E.I.O.U day is "THE OCEAN OF LOVE"

The first show which presented in this night was the Chinese 24-season Drum. The next show was the special diabolo performance. The performers trained themselves hardly just wanted to have a perfect show. Next, we had singing, dancing, a performance of a music band, and the special fahsion show.

The Chinese 23-season Drum
After the Chinese 24season Drum, our school techaer, lions and our president of leo club had given the attentants some speeches. 
Our school teacher Mr. Lim Jit Hun

President of leo club

Diabolo performance

Ballet performance

Hip Hop Dancing

Music Band Performance

Our Bod, Tan Li Ying Solo Sing performance

Fashion Show!!!

Is this a man???

What a beautiful man XD

Our winners of the fashion show

The Champion!!!!

Bods dancing and singing at the end.


Leo Camp 2013
2nd The King of the Lions program
Motto:Emerge from the chains that bind and soar
Date of event:5th to the 7th of June 2013
Location:SMJK Hwa Lian Mentakab,Pahang

The Leo club has held another The King of Lions program this year for the second time since 

its success the previous year. The organizers as well as the students shed blood sweat and 
tears for the succession of this years King of Lions program. We also have participants from 
the Jerantut and Triang area who joined in the fun together with the students of SMJK Hwa 
Memories and friendships were made during the program and this memories will stay with us 
The day before the opening of the camp, commitee members were already at the school 
performing checks and setting up the activities for the following day. The members of the Leo 
Club commitee were checking the games while the chief and vice secretary were busy 
designing and printing the booklets,name cards and the T-shirts that will be worned during the 
camp. A few other members were diligently cleaning the classrooms and even the toilets to 
increase the comfort rate of the participants.
The first day (June 5) At 9am, the camp participants gathered in the auditorium till 10am. When the attendance was being taken, the T-shirts along with the name tags and booklets were given to the students and teachers alike. After the attendance was taken, the opening ceremony was held at Dewan Kuliah to officially open the camp. We formally invited the President of Leo Club Mok Ai Wen, Vice-president Tan Pui Yin Biona and Lim Hui Xuan to paint the official mascot of the camp to mark the grand opening of the camp. A group photo was taken afterwards. Later on, the students formed groups and began to come up with names and slogans for their own respective groups to be used during the camp.
Name tags



Our Leo Bods


Vice President

Use the tip to find their group leader
Draw the group logo

Dream Fly
Peace Fly
Joy Fly
Sky Fly
Fun Fly
Happy Fly
Hope Fly
Wish Fly
First Game 


Having Lunch

The Second Day (June 6)

The next day,all the campers woke up at 7am and had warm ups for half an hour.(Truly sorry for not being able to upload any photos for that event). Continueing on, breakfast was served. This gross looking bread is one of the punishment for our games.

Members must finish all the vegetables

The Next Station of the telematch

Preparing the punishment

\3rd Station

Try to cross though the member's body

Climb climb climb

use the face to touch the insects

look weird

5th station (what the sexy pose XD)

Punishment again

Last station
use the straw to pass the rubber band

punishment because they have drop the rubber band

The third day (June 7) On the last day after breakfast, the award giving ceremony was held in Dewan Kuliah. The best male and female competetent were both rewarded with a gift, every group was given a hamper as a token for participating in the program. We are grateful to all the teachers and commitee members involved in this years Leo Club program. Before leaving, each group took a photo together. Each participant was given a gift and some of them could be seen grinning as they had something to remember the wonderful time they had by. The camp was concluded as a success and am grateful to everyone, and if by chance that something was wrong, we offer our apologies and hope we can do better next time.

The winner
Our last photo 
The following videos are the activities during the camp:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=636718959690570
If there are any questions or if you can't understand, please ask

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Our Mascot

Our Mascot