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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Installation Day 2013

Leo Installation Day on 18 August 2013 was over. It started on 10.00a.m. at Triang Palace. This event was held by the Leo Club of SMJK Triang. During the installation day, we had installed our new members and B.O.Ds. We also gave a piece of  certificate for the outgoing director. After the installation, we started to have our lunch and tea time which were prepared by the Triang Palace. Thanks for your cooperation. During the lunch and tea time, we had a small singing competition. All of them were singing very well and we appreciated their performances.

Thanked for our B.O.D, members, teachers, Lions and all the guests that made the installation day carrying on perfectly. We also thanked for the entertainers who made the installation day becoming more interesting. Thank you very much. ^^

PS: On that day was the birthday of one of our leo bod xD We gave him a surprise party~

Some photos which captured by our camera girl, Yee Ching

 Vice President of Leo Club of Hwa Lian
Installing B.O.Ds of both Leo Club

President of Leo Club Of SMJK Triang

Singing competition

Hip Hop Dancing

Happy Birthday To You~~~~


Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Our Mascot

Our Mascot