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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Meeting 14/9 Tuesday

Time: 7.30pm-9.00pm
Place: Relaxing Point

Today, almost all of the directors and our Lion adviser attended this meeting. We had discussed about the activities we are going to join in this month.

 First activity: Mooncake Festival Walk in Mentakab 18/9
Leader: Leo Alex Tan
We are going to make a big and special lantern for our club and for the event.
We have to make ourselves, hope we will success.
Friday will be the study day for our school, we have to invite our members to join.

Second activity: Lions President Desmond Mooncake Festival Open House 22/9
Leader: Leo Fiona Tan
That is the Mid-Autumn Festival!! We have to invite our directors to go, but they will have to make sure that they will not break their family day!
Please contact Fiona on 15/9 to inform attendance.

Third activity: Our Notice Board Decoration 17/9
 Leader: Leo Gan Siew Pei
We have to decorate our notice board in the school as we had leave it for the teachers to use for a long time.
We will post up our photographs, information and activities.
Hope we will finish it on that day!

Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Walk

Hi members!This Saturday night ( 18.09.2010 ) Leo Club is joining the Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Walk.You are strongly encouraged to join us!The walk will start from SJK (C) Mentakab to the Mentakab field in town.For those who are interested, please wear the Leo Club T-shirt and gather at the starting point by 6.30 p.m.The walk will start at 7 pm and activities such as performances will be held at the end of the walk.Attenders please be punctual.Thanks a lot.Looking forward to meet you all there!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Installation of Leos in Jerantut

Yesterday 4.15pm, we began our journey to Jerantut by Lion's car, it was a wonderful journey.
Lion Tan and Lion Yeap brought us to a kopitiam  to have a tea and bread, we have a car trip around Jerantut as it was still early. Our present was served by the Leo President of SMK Jerantut, Vincent Loo. Thanks much for his well service and so the other Leos.

It was the members and B.O.D's Installation of 3 schools in Jerantut, SMK Jeantut, SMK Padang Saujana and SMK Damak. Lion Yeap and Lion Tan were the guests of honour. We had our buffet dinner after the speeches and ceremonies. The special thing was the little puddings which was our dessert.

We enjoyed the entertaining dances that night, we saw a tired dance lady, she perform almost all the dances, she deserved our praise. The songs..... We went home before the entertainment shows finish, as we had a long journey home. Thanks to Vincent Loo again for the president badges, Thank you.   

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Festivals

This year is a special year, and this month is a special month.
Many festivals gather in this month, so this makes us have a happy month.
We have a great holidays, with Hari Aidilfitri or Hari Raya Puasa, Mooncake Festival, Hari Kebangsaan,
 and even Birthdays..haha=)
So there will be many people on the streets, as we have many things to buy in these festivals,
and there will be lots of SALES too!!
Happy holidays and Happy Festivals to all my dear Leos, 
and all of you.
Be Happy! =) 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Installation Day 14th August 2010

Date:14th August 2010
Venue: SMK Hwa Lian Xiang Gui Hall
Entry: RM5 per member

Our installation this year was held in our school hall. We didn't have much time to prepare it as we just finished preparing for the Hari Keusahawanan in our school last week. This week, our president make many decisions himself, as we didn't have time to gather for meeting.

 President of Leo Club, SMK Hwa Lian, Leo Tan Kian Hong, did most of the preparing starting work by himself. He decided the post for each director, contact with Lions, found the entertaining programs......alone.

He found us and told us our posts in the school class to class. Our works were easy works, but his work was much to do. He was very busy in this week, doing many things. He even wrote the words to say for the comperes. We could see how much was his work.

Our past president, Leo Phang Si Min, also worried about our installation day. She helped us a lot on this day. Her experience made us need her in this installation day. Our installation ended with a Chinese traditional high-difficulties performance,"Che Ling". Thanks much to these performers' supports.

Many guests of honor attended our installation. Lions, teachers, school GPK, and Leos of SMK Jerantut, thanks for your attendance!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hari Keusahawanan 7 August 2010

This is a buzy day. We arrived school early in the morning and get a big corner for our stall.
We were going to sell smashed potato dumplings, sweet corn and ice cream.
Everything was in a mess now, we get a cooking area and found some cooking tools. Decoration is the worst.
The tamer was late, the designer was missing, leave others worrying.
Finally, all of them appeared at once, the decoration changed from the decided state, all became......

The cooking area became super buzy then, we let the customers queue to wait for the fried dumplings,
the corn changed to sell there for the impatient customers. Cooking works were going on slowly, our customers had to wait for a long time.So Sorry about that.

Suddenly, there comes Jasmine tea and Flowers for us to sell. We arranged our posts and continued.
Some of us brought the flowers out to sell everywhere. Fiona went in charge of the Jasmine tea, the shaker was difficult to open after use, pity Fiona broke her nails and going wet because of this.

The ice creams came then. The beautiful 'Walls' refrigerator & the hot weather attracted many customers.
We sold a total of 5 kinds of stuffs. We got 1300++ coupons!! Unbelievable!! But we used lots of  money for the stuffs.We got a hamper for our success. Thanks for all the HARD-WORKING B.O.D and teachers.

Friday, July 16, 2010

2nd Members' Day

Our 2nd members' day
--27/6/10--8a.m.-12.30p.m. had finished at 12.30p.m. successfully after giving the prizes to the winners.
We had a game like "Monopoly" but it didn't had any special track to go.  Just buy whatever you want and buy the others with your $$$.
         We play about 9 'years'  which means 15 minutes. Every year, we got salary and chose 'Chances & Fate'.We buy cars, houses, real states, lottery and even shares. On the 7th and 8th year was having 'industrial revolution', so all the players got their $ at half. This was a bit funny. The funniest stuff was, there was a special cut of way which needed car to go through. Ha ha.. Police was there to bring those go through without a car to the jail just set by the way.

         Here comes the 'extra' funny stuff. The special way cut was made by plastic banner, so it was easy to destroy it by just step on it! Ha ha.. so the police catch those who destroyed the way too! It was really funny to see the way cut broken because of a sorry step......^^

        Although this game is not very nice because the players just felt fun at the beginning, but I feel happy to see the players finished the game with their smile.

        Congratulations to all the winners! Hope you all like the prizes -- water bottle and lunch box chose by Fiona(O.C. for this activity). Also, thanks to all of our helpful directors.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Teacher's Day

16 May 2010

Today is teacher's day!
It's a special day to thank and remember our teachers with our love and actions.
I have no actions on it, sorry about that...

Therefore, I can only give greetings to all the teachers here.
Teachers all around the world, Happy Teacher's Day!!!
Hope you have a nice day.

Also, Thank You, teachers,
You gave us knowledge to success in our learning and life.
We will never forget your teaching.
On this special day for you,
Wishing you everything brings you happiness today and always.

And for all the students, remember to thank your teacher!


Incoming B.O.D

16 May 2010

On 11th April, our Leo Club's incoming board of directors were elected by our club members in a club meeting from 8.00 a.m. to 12p.m. in SMK Hwa Lian.
This meeting had carried out successfully.
Nearly all the members attended this meeting.

On 16th April, our directors done their groupings for their own posts in a B.O.D meeting.
Incoming B.O.D elected as below:

President: Leo Tan Kian Hong
Vice President:
Leo Gan Jia Qi

Secretary: Leo Lew Xue Tong
Vice Secretary: Leo Yeo Kar Chun

Treasurer: Leo Lee Yi Ren
Vice Treasurer: Leo Quek Jing Ling

Leo Wendy Hup
Leo Koh Hui Ying

Fund Raising Directors:
Leo Alex Tan
Leo Mok Ai Wen

Membership Directors:
Leo Le Jia Ling
Leo Lau Zhi Xuan

Multimedia Directors:
Leo Le Jia Nian
Leo Lim Yi Liang

IR Directors:
Leo Lew Shang Tong
Leo Yap Zhi Kuan
Fellowship Directors:
Leo Fiona Tan
Leo Chew Zee Wei

Leo Gan Siew Pei
Leo Tan Li Ying

Hi There!

Hello there!
This blog is now opened for the public to see what's going on in Leo Club of SMK Hwa Lian Mentakab, Pahang!

All of you are welcomed to visit this blog anytime from now on!
All of the new events this year by Leo Club of SMK Hwa Lian Mentakab start from May will be posting on here.
Please always stay by to see the latest event. Thank You.

Also, Leo Clubs from other schools may link with this blog.
I would love to view other blogs by Leo Clubs of other schools always.



Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Leo of SMJK Hwa Lian

Our Mascot

Our Mascot