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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Installation Day 14th August 2010

Date:14th August 2010
Venue: SMK Hwa Lian Xiang Gui Hall
Entry: RM5 per member

Our installation this year was held in our school hall. We didn't have much time to prepare it as we just finished preparing for the Hari Keusahawanan in our school last week. This week, our president make many decisions himself, as we didn't have time to gather for meeting.

 President of Leo Club, SMK Hwa Lian, Leo Tan Kian Hong, did most of the preparing starting work by himself. He decided the post for each director, contact with Lions, found the entertaining programs......alone.

He found us and told us our posts in the school class to class. Our works were easy works, but his work was much to do. He was very busy in this week, doing many things. He even wrote the words to say for the comperes. We could see how much was his work.

Our past president, Leo Phang Si Min, also worried about our installation day. She helped us a lot on this day. Her experience made us need her in this installation day. Our installation ended with a Chinese traditional high-difficulties performance,"Che Ling". Thanks much to these performers' supports.

Many guests of honor attended our installation. Lions, teachers, school GPK, and Leos of SMK Jerantut, thanks for your attendance!

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